Luca Research




Around the Lab

Lab News


Team Members See Group Alumni

Oana Luca

Principal Investigator (PI)

Oana Luca is a graduate of Worcester Polytechnic Institute (BS ’08) and Yale University (MS ’10, PhD ’13) where she worked with Professor Robert H. Crabtree. Her postgraduate work in inorganic and physical organic chemistry at Caltech in the Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis and the Scripps Research Institute addresses applications of electrochemical methods for […]

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Haley Petersen

Graduate Student (G5)

Haley is a graduate student who joined the Luca lab in December 2019. She aspires to use chemical research to address fundamental sustainability issues and currently focuses on carbon dioxide conversions. She received her B.S. in chemistry from the University of Arizona in Tucson, where she worked with the Lichtenberger group on [FeFe]-hydrogenase mimetic electrocatalysts. […]

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Phil (Phuc) Pham

Graduate Student (G4)

Phil got his B.E. in Chemical Engineering from HCMC University of Technology in 2018, where he did his undergraduate research on metal-organic frameworks as heterogeneous catalysts and heterocycle synthesis via C-H bond activation. Phil traveled across the Pacific Ocean to join the Luca lab as a graduate researcher in December 2020. Phil is now studying […]

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Hunter Koltunski

Graduate Student (G2)

Hunter is a graduate student who joined the lab in December of 2022. He earned his B.S. at the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire where he worked with the Glogowski group on synthesis and characterization of stimuli responsive polymers for applications in architectural coatings. Hunter is now working on electrochemical methods for alkane activation and […]

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Quinn Brink

Graduate Student (G1)

Quinn is a graduate student who joined the Luca group in December of 2023. He earned his B.S. in Biochemistry from Gonzaga University in May of 2023, where he did his undergraduate research on the florescent properties of α,β-unsaturated ketones. Currently, he works on the synthesis, characterization and electricity-driven depolymerization of bio-derived polyesters. Contact: qubr4957[at]colorado[dot]edu

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Holly Jones


Holly is a postbaccalaureate student who joined the Luca lab in August 2023. After living in New Zealand for almost ten years, Holly returned to the US to make a career pivot from classical piano to chemistry/pre-health. Her research revolves around novel methods of dehydrogenation. In particular, she is investigating the storage and release of […]

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Get Involved

Our research is carried out by a team of undergraduates, graduate students, and post-doctoral fellows under the direction of Dr. Oana Luca, and are diverse in backgrounds and skill sets.

If you are interested in opportunities to collaborate with or work in the research group, please reach out to Professor Luca at oana.luca[at]colorado[dot]edu.